Quick post alert!! I spent too much time surfing the web this morning and now I’m behind on my work! Grr!! It is FREEZING in this building today. I think after all the buildings were hot yesterday they forgot to turn off the AC. I’m tempted to go get some hot tea, but that would mean packing up and going out in the rain, and I really need to finish these Micro notecards.
Lunch today was Real Simple.
A delicious shredded chicken sandwich on Rudi’s Honey Wheat bread. With some avocado, a pickle slice, mustard and romaine.
Plus a fantastic peach, which I almost forgot to photograph!! (I didn’t lay everything out today because the room was crowded and I didn’t want to make a scene. So I took just one thing at a time.
And a TJ’s Vanilla yogurt (nothing special other than the single serving container) plus TJ’s High Fiber worms –
Well, that was quick!!! Off to answer> your questions, then back to work!
tfh says
Too much time surfing the web? Is there such a– er, I mean, none of us would know anything about that! I love the juicy peach and I think notecards will be easier with hot tea…even if it means going out in the rain.
Christin S says
lol! I like the “homph!” Great use of onomatopeia! It described my thoughts on that delish looking sandwhich perfectly! I want some avocado now…
Christie i. says
The sandwich sounds good! Sorry you are cold, I have been freezing all day too.
cara says
I hope you can warm up soon! Looks like quite the tasy lunch!
Christie says
I love that cereal from TJ’s my boyfriend calls it FIBER PELLETS hahah
ModelBehavior says
I’m sure that the fiber cereal tastes good, but I think “fiber worms” were a poor choice of name…that doesn’t even sound appealing lol.
Hope you find a way to warm up!
Biz says
I had the TJ’s fat free honey greek yogurt today – so good! I liked that it wasn’t overly sweet. I think they were .99 a piece.
Jenna says
Hi Kath!
My name is Jenna and i don’t really post all that often, but i just wanted to say i’m 16 and i love your blog. I read it all the time and i have recently lost 40 pounds and you really inspire me to healthy and organically and i totally look up to you. I think your a great role model.
I just wanted to comment on a recent post so you’d get this.
Thanks for being a great person.
Jenna says
eat* healthfully. sorry lol.
Jenn says
hey has anyone seen that commercial on TV abou thow HFCS is not that bad for you??
gina (fitnessista) says
THANK YOU for the amazing bagel how-to and recipe.
they came out beautifully 😀
Bridget says
Yeah I think the “worm” thing would freak me out haha…any reference to gross insects or worm-type things while eating can make me loose my appetite fast haha.
Ange C. says
Modelbehavior- thx for the insight on the green produce bags! I put strawberries in them a day ago and i have to admit they’re still getting soggyish. Hmm. I read the directions, which said to wipe condensation out (which i don’t have time for!) so that could be the issue. Also, i swear they have less of a sweet taste..could all be in my head though. Thanks again! 😉
Ange C. says
And Rudi’s Honey Wheat is the best bread EVER. Yumm.
madison says
its freezing in this building too =(. i choose hot weather over cold any day!
Kath says
tfh ,
I went and got a tea under your advisement!
ModelBehavior + Bridget,
What makes it worse is I was studying Helminths at the time (Google it
Congrats on the weight loss!!!!!!
Meghann says
When I was at school, we were never allowed to eat in the libraries or study rooms. 🙁
Jenna says
Thanks Kath!
Erin says
Ooh…few things can compare to a juicy peach! Glorious!
~Erin @ “Vegan & the City”
Halie Wright says
I looked up Helminths out of curiosity…Yuckers!
Allie says
Kath, I’ve been meaning to recommend to you (and all the other East Coasters – or at least North Carolinians/Virginians) my favorite East Coast storebought food: wraps from Sami’s Bakery. They’re based in FL, but I always found them in Earth Fare and small health food stores in VA.
The millet & flax lavash (regular and spinach – really garlicky) were literally a daily part of my diet. One of many things I miss about the east coast (but can’t complain about food in San Francisco!).
Kath says
Allie ,
I have had that brand – yum! I LOOOVE their pita chips.