Chalk it up to nesting.
Blame spring cleaning.
Or maybe it’s second tri energy?
I was wild with house fury this morning!
I changed all of our bedding – into a crisp white duvet cover and matching sheets for spring
I went through my closet and sorted clothes for Goodwill that I didn’t wear this winter or are just not fitting well and not my favorite.
And I packed up anything that was wintery or too small for my stomach and put it in the attic! My closet is now wide up and freely flowing.
I had “buy hangers” on my shopping list. No longer necessary!
I also rearranged the throw pillows in our house for new colors in new places
And put pretty bedding on the nursery bed
Then changed my mind to this pillow – to start the yellow + gray theme!
I cleaned out everything from the nursery room + closet (where I had off season clothes – now in the attic) and asked Matt if he had any ideas about how to keep this bathtub secret door to stay closed. He made this awesome latch! Brilliant!
And then we hung baby art that has been sitting in the nursery closet!!
All three pieces were made by my grandmother – and the lion was in my bedroom when I was a baby
Mom, me and Gram on another wall.
The nursery is now ready to be filled with baby things. First step: a rug.
Then the real cleaning began….
I’m still loving Shaklee Basic H and my latest essential oil combo is lemon + vanilla!
I also did 3 loads of laundry. I rotate between soap nuts + essential oils and Method – just depending on my mood. I like both a lot [found that Method scent on sale at TJ Maxx]
And these are still the best product smell ever invented.
After a quick shower to clean myself, I walked down to Cville Coffee for my first mother’s group!! My friend Alice, who had her baby a month ago, invited me to join their Facebook group. Most of the moms there had babies from 6 days old to a few months, but pregnant ladies are invited as well! It was SO helpful to ask questions about local resources and their experiences at the hospital where I will deliver. And holding a few babies was also pretty fun. I can’t wait for the next meeting!
Nelle and her little one were looking fabulous just 6 days post-partum!
For lunch I had a …………dun dun dunnnn SALAD!!! Maybe I really have hit some kind of turning point today!?!?!
Love the Veggie Bean salad there – topped with tofu and full of kidney beans + garbanzos, olives, carrots and lettuce. Ate every bite!
And guzzled water. I’m still hungry though and almost ready for a snack!
I walked home and Matt and I are gearing up for a trip to buy some house supplies.
Yay for Sundays!
jessica kiehn says
Ok the picture of you, your momma, and grandma framed in the baby’s nursery is so, so cool.
Andrea says
Paige @ Healthy Hits the Spot says
Absolutely agree! I love it!
Justeen @ Blissful Baking says
What a productive afternoon! I am in the same grad program with one of the moms in the picture – Amy! And wow, Nelle looks SO awesome for having had a baby just a few days ago. So neat that you got plugged in!
Katie @ Peace Love & Oats says
That is a seriously productive Sunday! And I love the baby room, very cute!
Hillary says
It must be the weather because I also caught the cleaning bug today. I even vaccuumed and dusted my car!
Enjoy the rest of your day : )
Rachael says
i love those method dryer sheets, too! i am OBSESSED with how my bed smells like marshmallows after i dry my sheets :).
Lydia says
I love the artwork for the nursery, esp. the picture of you with your mom and grandmom. What a special place that will be for you and your little one. 🙂
wymberley says
you sound like you are just beaming! Im so happy for your growing family!
Cara Craves... says
I am not often in the mood to organize and clean, but when I am I just go for it non-stop till everything is perfect.
Becca @ Blueberry Smiles says
What a productive Sunday! The nursery’s looking great.
branny says
Are the two pieces on the outside (the lion and the other) batik? They look like it!
KathEats says
Lolly says
Holy high energy Batman!!! you got a lot done and had a lot of fun!
Where is the baby Matt & Mom pic? In process?
KathEats says
I’m not sure there is one, but we have a sketch he did as a boy of a dinosaur that we’re hoping to find a spot for!
kathleen @ the daily crumb says
whew! what a sunday afternoon you had. that picture of your, your mom and grandma is priceless. how amazing that the 4th generation will be here so soon!
Averie @ Averie Cooks says
fabulous post!
I love that pink and green pretty!
Aura Cacia em. I used to make my own cloth diaper wipes (if you CD, you’ll make those too probably rather than disposables, if you’re doing laundry anyway, may as well do it all) but used to make a solution with those oils. Love them!
Katie @ Talk Less, Say More says
What a fun opportunity to touch base with some ladies who just went through what you’re in the middle of going through and soon will be!
And YAY on the veggies! 🙂
Jennifer says
I can’t say enough about your talent for decorating.
Where do you get your ideas? Do you look in different magazines or just come up with them on your own? Everything is so beautiful.
Have fun putting the nursery together. 🙂
KathEats says
Thanks so much Jennifer! I definitely do not consider myself to have much decorating talent
I guess I just try to copycat Better Homes and Gardens and HGTV and add lots of color to rooms. And I try to get away from the college look that we had for so long. Bit by bit. I also have my family to thank for such nice pieces of furniture passed down!
Angel7 says
I love the pretty pillow on your chair!
I am sure that your baby’s room is going to look adorable!
Bjorg says
I always feel so productive after major leaning, and I sleep so much better 🙂
Looks great!
Liz says
That is awesome you got so much accomplished! I am curious on the SoapNuts (because I just bought some on Open Sky from your store) do you always wash with warm water or do you make the solution out of them and wash in cold? I do so much of my laundry in cold and want to just throw them in and see how it works?!
KathEats says
I actually don’t know the answer to this – I usually wash on warm. But I looked on their website and another and found these two bits:
Yes! The saponin in Soap Nuts releases quickly into hot water, and more slowly in cold water. When washing in hot water you only need two soap nuts per load and they’ll release all of their saponin in about one wash. When washing with cold water, up to 4 nuts and reuse them up to 6 times. You’ll know the saponin in Soap Nuts is used up when the nuts no longer feel squeaky clean or sudsy when you rub them.
Katharina says
Love the little grass plant on your table! That mom’s group sounds like a great resource! So nice of them to invite you to join.
Julie H. of Spinach and Sprinkles says
Oh my stars were you productive! 🙂 Nice work, Kath! …..Aw! Getting items in the nursery- *so* much fun!!!
Kavi @ Lab to Fab! says
What a productive day! Hooray for spring cleaning!
Kelly @ Vegolosophy says
Wow! Super productive day!! I love spring cleaning in a weird way 🙂 Love organizing and getting ready for the summer! YAY! Looks like you had a great day!
Ashley @ Coffee Cake and Cardio says
You are rockin’ the house, literally! Great work mamacita!
BroccoliHut says
Wow, this is too weird–I went to high school with Nelle! We were in choir together:)
What a great resource to have all those new mothers to ask advice!
KathEats says
Small world!!
Megan @ Megan's Munchies says
Wow! You have been quite the busy bee!!!
J3nn(Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog) says
I love the mommy group! That’s such a great idea. Yay for social networking!!
Ky G says
Kathy I’m just now catching up on my blog reading from having my first little one 5 weeks ago….CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy!!!!!!!!! That is so awesome…you will be a great mom! 😉
KathEats says
Thanks!! And congrats to you too!
Molly @ RDexposed says
Love the picture of you, your mom, and gram! So sweet. Can’t wait to see the nursery completely done-baby included!
Stacy @ Say It With Sprinkles says
The weather isn’t so spring-like over here today as it has been, but your salad still looks wonderfully appealing! ….Maybe with a big mug-a hot cocoa 🙂
Stephy C @ pjsandyogapants says
I can’t wait to see the nursery when it’s done! And what an awesome group you joined- all those moms and babies looked great 🙂
M says
I love cleaning days like this! I love when I get the energy to clean out closets and drawers. The home always feels so much fresher when it gets cleaned with vigor 🙂
Diana @ frontyardfoodie says
Nesting and spring cleaning rock.
My last pregnancy was more summer but this time I am nesting and spring cleaning fever together.I’m loving it. You’re so inspiring and now I need to do my whole house!
Becky O'Brien says
So fun to see the spurt of energy you are enjoying and putting to such good use! Pregnancy is such a special, special time. Hard to believe that my “baby”, David, celebrated his 27th birthday today! He is the one that was so affected by the positive changes I made to Shaklee cleaners when he was 10 years old. He had been very sensitive to the chemicals in toxic cleaners. Thank goodness for Basic-H! He also responded very well to the laundry products; leaving no chemical residue on his clothing. So thankful. All moms would be so thankful.
Shannon @ Her Dog Blog says
I’ve been dying to try Soap Nuts and I keep seeing them on your Open Sky store…not sure why but I think my husband will hate them…was Matt totally cool with them at first? Maybe my husband is the only man out there who is picky about his laundry. 🙂
KathEats says
I actually haven’t “trained” him on them yet 🙂 He’s been using up a huuuuge thing of Tide I got last year. Since it’s just him using it, it’s taken us forever to finish it up. He’s generally pretty agreeable though, so once I should him how to put the nuts in a bag and add whatever scent he likes, I imagine it will be fine. Or he can use the Method – or the Shaklee I also have but don’t love the smell of.
Stephanie @ Legally Blinde says
The nursery artwork is so special; it’s really neat that your grandma made those 3 pictures and that you had one in your nursery!
Leila @ Spinach and Skittles says
Wow, what a productive day. I love that photo of you, your mom and your Gram. Gram looks the same almost 30 years later!
Elisabeth says
Wow! So much accomplished today. I can’t wait until my days off this week to tackle a few similar projects 🙂
Dominique says
I love Method’s dryer sheets (esp in rice + mallow) but can no longer find them in my area. I’ve searched a whole buttload of regular and more natural/health-food related stores still to no avail. I just have one pack of unscented sheets around and have been hoarding them like crazy because I don’t want to run out even though they’re reusable.
I love the two candles and plant that you have on your coffee(?) table. I’d love to put stuff like that on our coffee table–and tried for a few weeks–but one of our cats jumps on the coffee table and spreads himself out on it and then everything gets knocked around, especially plants.
Hannah says
are you paid by method and those other brands you mentioned for pimping them out?
KathEats says
No, not at all. And if so, I would disclose it. I do sell soap nuts (opensky) and Shaklee, but that’s because I like them and I don’t get paid for telling you that.
kate says
When you cloth diaper you mostly will need to change detergents. I never had any luck with the method stuff and diapers — they leave a film on the microfiber of the diapers which makes the diapers repel liquids and can cause nasty diaper rash. I did really like Charlie’s Soap (which I think you can get at the Blue Ridge Eco Shop) and then I used Purex Free and Clear. Also — no drier sheets! I couldn’t even use them on nondiaper loads because the build up left in the drier would effect the diapers.
KathEats says
I have heard that – definitely want to make them last!
Natasha says
Joining a mothers group is a great idea! I joined one when my 1st baby was an infant and we have kept in touch for years…even though that “baby” is now 11 and we live in another state.
krissea says
This salad looks DE-LISH. Just like something I would create for myself at Whole Foods!
Fran@ Broken Cookies Don't Count says
Looks like fun with the Moms Group!
Tonya says
Where does one buy essential oils? Are they expensive?
Thank you
KathEats says
They are expensive, some more than others. Ranging from $5-20 a bottle. But they are potent and last a realllly long time.
Amelia @ Eating Made Easy says
Nesting is so fun 🙂