We just returned from our fourth (Matt’s fifth) Great Harvest Convention, the annual get-together of the bakery owners. This year we returned to the beautiful Marriott on Marco Island – a repeat location of our first convention. The years in between we went to San Diego and Tucson, and next year’s convention will be in Palm Springs! Hope we can go : )
The Marco Island Marriott is just gorgeous and one of the best (the best?) resorts I have ever been to. The property is immaculate, the restaurants plentiful and impressive, the rooms (and toiletries) really high quality and the staff – absolutely the nicest I’ve ever spoken with. The only downside is it’s expensive, but that is to be expected, I suppose. But we would definitely consider going back for a family vacation some time.
To go from drab winter to this!
Jim of GH Lake Orion and Pablo of GH Warrenton. Also, Stitch Fix top spotting!!
I took this shot of Honey Whole Wheat a few years ago and it has been used in a ton of Great Harvest marketing materials, including this big screen at convention! When we weren’t networking or splashing in the pool, we were dressed up for dinner on the beach.
We had a glorious trip and I am even more excited for warm weather to arrive than ever!
Up next: Convention food!
Anna @ On Anna's Plate says
Haha…our academic conferences are always in pretty lame places– definitely not resorts! I’m jealous of all of the sunny trips you’ve gotten to take lately!!
Anele @ Success Along the Weigh says
Looks like you guys had a great time! So nice of the other family to share their trucks. Mazen is getting so big!
Jess @ The Baguette Diet says
What gorgeous photos! I’ve been dying for a weekend away, neeeeeeed some sunshine and fresh air!
Laura@SneakersandSpatulas says
Your arms look so toned in the pics of you and Mazen on the beach! Can tell those lifting sessions are paying off!
Hope says
I was going to say the same thing!! Your legs too – you inspire me to get back into it!
Jennie says
I was going to comment also. You look great! 🙂
Ali says
That looks like a great little vacation!! I’m going to have to check out the GH Denver since the owner is so cool!
Jessica says
Aw, gorgeous! Mazen looks like he needs a pair of baby sunglasses! My son has a pair but he wont keep them on very often unless he is in the stroller with the sun in his face. 😛
KathEats says
Have them and of course they were ripped off immediately 🙁
simple green moms says
Our Little Man won’t keep his sunglasses on either! He is 18 months old and still hasn’t had his hair cut but Mazen’s looks adorable and it is kind of motivating me to get ours’ cut now! =)
Heather says
We even have the kind with the velcro strap and he takes those off too! I wish there were a pair that really stayed on. Mazen might be the same way because of his light eyes, but my son is super sensitive to sunlight!
KathEats says
I keep trying with hats too. He doesn’t seem to mind winter hats as much, but sun hats he hates
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy says
What a beautiful place for a convention. Some great family photos too 🙂
Katie @ Peace Love & Oats says
oh my gosh, Mazen is adorable in these photos! He’s really turning into a little toddler!
Philippa says
While I’m incredbly jealous of the gorgeous beach…although it is warming up in the UK now, finally (!)…I just want to say that I LOVED The Light Between Oceans! One of my top reads of last year. The minute I finished it I wanted to read it again! Are you enjoying it? 🙂
KathEats says
Yes! Love it so far especially as a new mom
Jackie says
I could definitely use a beach trip right now! Looks so beautiful!
Lauren says
Kath, that Stitchfix dress looks AMAZING on you!! You’ve convinced me to try it 🙂 Loved this post, Mazen is just adorable.
Melissa says
Looks like fun! Where did you get that great black and white dress? So pretty!
KathEats says
It’s from Stitch Fix. I wrote about it in this post
Elizabeth {Positively Healthy} says
Loving the pictures of Mazen kissing you! So cute! It looks like you all had a great time! Can’t wait to read more!
Leigh says
Looks glorious! It makes me so anxious for spring!
Leslie says
Love that gorgeous sun! And how nice that you had your new Stitch Fix stuff to wear too! (A friend of mine just got her first box. Can’t wait to see it!)
On a side note, my mom and daughter are in VA and ate at Commonwealth last night. They went straight from the airport (left our house in OR at 4:45 am->Chicago->Charlottesville) so I guess they were underdressed, but loved it! Thanks for the suggestion.
KathEats says
So glad they liked it!
Leslie says
She got home last night, missed out on Great Harvest because you guys are closed on Sundays. Next time! (She did take a picture of it though 🙂
KathEats says
Aw bummer!
Hillary says
You look so fit and fabulous!! Your workouts are clearly paying off 🙂
Jeri says
Is it me or is Mazen already a hipster? Like the coolest kid in class! And I love the dress even more. I have decided that while I said it was an all season dress, this has got to be perfect setting for the dress. Evening beach wear. Ok I digress. Spring too. I can’t decide. So many choices.
1st choice.. lose the weight so I can buy the dress!
Debbie Huber says
Thanks again for sharing your photography tips with all the Great Harvest family at convention! So glad you & Matt decided to come and enjoyed the resort. Hope to see you again next year in Palm Desert!
KathEats says
Thanks Debbie!
Hillary | Nutrition Nut on the Run says
looks like summer!
Melanie says
Can I just BE Mazen? You guys are fun, awesome parents.
kate says
What a wonderful vacation! I was wondering where you got the black dress for the last dinner. It is pretty!
KathEats says
It’s from Stitch Fix. I wrote about it in this post : )
kate says
Awesome! Thanks!
Alex @ Kenzie Life says
1) The weather looks so gorgeous and sunny! 2) Mazen is such a cutie 3) As a native Coloradan who is now living back in Colorado, it’s cool that you met the Denver owner (I’ve never been to the Denver location but I have been to the Lakewood one), 4) I love the Stitch Fix pieces! 5) Glad you got a chance to get some sun and have some fun (I’m really sorry for the rhyming, it was unintentional)
Michelle @ A Healthy Mrs says
What an amazing venue — so beautiful!
Lauren @ Focused To Be Fit says
More beach pics….you’re killing me…I’m still looking out the window at snow. A lot of snow!! I’ve visited Marco Island a few times and it is amazing there! Looks like a great trip. 🙂
Hannah @ eat drink and save money says
We live in Naples! Wish I had run into you. You came during the perfect time before it gets too hot. Glad you had fun!
jen says
hi kath, great pictures! we have stayed at that resort many times over the years and we love it. i agree, one of the finest i’ve been to… i also love the coffee shop in the resort. for some reason, iced coffee just tastes better there. your pictures brought back some nice memories, thanks again for sharing. 🙂
Jen@HealthyFoodandFamily says
Ahhhh, glorious!!! I’m convinced Michigan is the new north pole. Definitely sick of sub zero temps and snow!
Shel@PeachyPalate says
Such a cool pic of Mazen with the water shooting across! They pick up words so quickly at that age, it’s amazing! Definitely need some time in the sun!
Boo says
So warm! Fun to see Denver Matt I remember him from living in Denver and it was a joy to go to his stores. I was a regular and loved every loaf/treat and miss it dearly since moving to Maine which is beautiful but lacks a great harvest 🙁
Sarah says
Me too! I lived very close to the store and would go there as often as possible. Matt, his wife and all of their staff were always very friendly and almost too generous! And those sandwiches… I’ve returned home to Australia now and still miss them! You’re looking fit and fabulous Kath 🙂
carrie says
Your arms look amazing! You are totally inspiring me to work out more.
Debbie @ Deb Runs says
It looks like you had a blast! I love the pictures of Mazen clapping. So cute!
And here we just thought that Pablo skipped town to avoid the cold..
KathEats says
Kiersten says
Hi Kath! I am taking my son on his first vacation to Disneyland in June and am stressing about the sleep situation. Does Mazen sleep in a pack n play when you travel or hotel crib? Or with you guys? My little guy has only ever slept in his crib overnight and I’m worried how he will do with the change. Thanks for any tips!
KathEats says
He sleeps in whatever the hotel has. .. usually a pack n play. He’s done just fine in them is he has his blanket. We put the pnp out of sight if possible (in the bathroom hallway nook at this resort) which helps him. If he can see us he takes longer to sleep
Lisa McGeen says
Lake Orion is my GH. How cool is that!!!
Laura says
Looks amazing! You have such a beautiful family. Baby travel question- do hotels have cribs that are newer? And crib sheets? I would love to see a berf post on what you bring for Mazen when you travel. Also what you bring on the plane to keep him entertained. I will be traveling with my baby by plane in July and I am really nervous for some reason.
KathEats says
Yes we use the hotel cribs. Most have been nice. This resort had a pack and play.
Emily @ Life on Food says
It looks like you had an amazing time. I am so jealous of all the sun and the beach.
Livi says
That dress is gorgeous! Looks like an awesome trip!
Jennifer says
Marco Island is beautiful! We used to live in Fort Myers and got married on Sanibel Island which is definitely worth checking out, too.
My middle son was just like Mazen and the beach sand. He wouldn’t step off the blanket ever. (haha) Now, he loves it. 🙂
I love the dress you have on in the last few pictures.
What a fun time for a convention.
Angel7 says
I looks like it is a beautiful resort! Anywhere with sun & sand sounds glorious to me 🙂
You got that right, Kath, about not being able to wait any longer for warmer weather! We are sooo vitamin d deficient from this blistery, cold, snowy winter! And I am not one to complain about the winter months, because I actually love the winter, & the changing of seasons. However, due to how long the cold & snow has lasted this winter, I have had my fair share, along with many other people I know.
Kerry says
You said you *hoped* you could make to next years’ convention…was that a clue in reference to something?
KathEats says
Just that we have the money and time to go!
Lydia Rehrman says
That looks so amazing and warm! We are very sick of the winter here in Pennsylvania. Thank you for a taste of warmth in your beautiful pictures!
Ashley @ Coffee Cake and Cardio says
What a fun trip!! I love the community your business connects you with.
Eliza says
Girl! Your arms look so ripped in those photos with Mazen on the beach! Way to go.
Jo says
Beautiful pix! I enjoyed 4 sunny, warm days in Vero Beach FL visiting a friend only to return to snow in WV – had to spend 40 minutes cleaning car in airport parking lot, UGH! Light Between Oceans is one of my favorite books EVER!!
Carla says
Holy cow, Kath, your biceps are jacked! Great job 🙂
Wendy says
Gorgeous photos! You are going to treasure those photos of Mazen forever.