Hi guys!!!
It’s a happy healthy day here on Bald Head. We all slept great last night and met for a 9AM breakfast.
Kanz and I were down a bit early and sipped coffee by the fire while we waited for the others. I brought along my travel Bodum french press that I got from the BlogHer conference with a little Peppermint Creme inside. This french press doesn’t work that well, but it’s perfect for travel.
For breakfast I made a yogurt bowl with Oikos (that we brought) plus fresh pineapple, melon and strawberries and granola. Plus a squeeze of 75% of a Barney Butter packet.
We opened some Christmas poppers and found crowns inside. King + Queen of the island 🙂
After breakfast and some digestion we headed out on a group power walk led by my mom, who has a "secret" route across a boardwalk and by the lighthouse.
Bald Head has its own tiny post office
And the leftovers of some forts
We literally ran into Larbs who was out running. She wasn’t feeling well yesterday so she missed the group run.
Kanz liked this sign
The secret boardwalk
When we returned it was nearly noon and we moved into Bald Head Boot Camp. In addition to the Bald Head Book Club, I took charge in planning a boot camp activity, including bringing equipment.
Dad opted out and went walking + reading
I demonstrated the equipment I brought, which included: 2 physical therapy bands, a soccer ball, a jump rope and some 5 lb arm weights.
Matt and I finalized two circuits
Ready, Set, Go!
We started with 5 warm-up laps around the smallish circle.
Then we started circuit one. There were 5 stations per round and we stayed at each station for 60 seconds. Mom was our ref and time coach!!
Using the watch Larbs + Matt gave her for Christmas
Circuit One
Station 1: Jump rope
Station 2: Pushups
Station 3: Hand-weight jumping jacks
Station 4: Tricep extensions with PT bands
Station 5: Abs of any kind on the bag so we stayed clean
After completing circuit one, we sprinted a lap…
And then completed the circuit a second time, but with 30 second rotations.
Then we sprinted another lap!
Inbetween the two circuits, we did a handful of sprints and plyometrics.
Sprint down and 5 burpies, then sprint down and 3, then sprint down and 1 and back.
Then side shuffle down
And mountain climbers
And grapevine down with mountain climbers
Then bear crawl down and sprint back
Circuit Two
Same drill: 5 stations, 60 seconds each, sprint, 30 seconds each, sprint.
Station 1: More jump rope
Station 2: Plank
Station 3: Soccer Ball hopping
Station 4: Bicep curls
Station 5: Lunges with shoulder press
And we finished with an Indian run [where you run in a line and the back person sprints to the front]
The cooldown was a short session of yoga flow and stretching
Boot camp lasted about an hour – it was a great workout!
We came inside, quickly showered and made a hearty lunch
Turkey and Pepperjack with Avocado, Tomato, Jalapenos and Mustard on Great Harvest Whole Grain Goodness (and it was good!)
Plus fruit and veggies in hummus
And water. I am so thirsty and it feels like hunger! The water here tastes (and smells) like MARSH and I’m not drinking enough! Gufff!
I nibbled on some almonds and Ruffles as we made lunch, and afterwards I shared a few Christmas cookies with Kanz because I still felt hungry. I think boot camp wore me out!
We’re all relaxing now (I think we’re all worn out!) by the fire and have plans for a wine tasting at an art gallery and dinner at the steam bar tonight. See you then!
Sarah C. says
Wow, that circuit training with the fam is such a good idea!! I’ll definitely need to get a group of people and do the sets that you planned out. 🙂 Happy Holidays!
amy says
sounds like you had a great workout!
Erin says
Your family workout looks so fun! I could never get mine to do something like that- ha, ha! Have a great day!
Kristen says
Very impressive!!
I get the impression that there was a lot of laughter throughout the boot camp! How fun to have so many workout partners. 😛
Heather @ The Joyful Kitchen says
What a rockin’ boot camp – looks like you guys had a great workout and a good time 🙂 That sammie looks awesome, i LOVE pepperjack and veggies with hummus!
Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope says
OMG, SO MUCH FUN KATH!!! Seriously, this is such a great idea to do with the family over Christmas. My brothers would totally love this. 🙂
Marisa (Loser for Life) says
Such a healthy and fit family! So awesome! I would get MAJOR eyerolls if I tried to get my family to do that on vacation!
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
I’m totally impressed with your family workout!
Jessica @ How Sweet It Is says
Awesome circuit!! Love it. 🙂
Liz says
I think that it’s so cool that your whole family did a work out together! It looked like it kicked major butt.
Spotty Prep says
It’s great that your family is so supportive and active 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your holiday!
Lindsey says
My friend and I did outdoor plyometrics today too!! So weird that you did too! We had such a great time and our hearts were pumping hard core. Just thought i’d share! Love the blog by the way:)
Jenna says
Omg kath! You are too funny! ThAt workout is so great, looks like a great workout! Have a great dinner !
suzanne says
What a great idea to do a bootcamp!!
Kristen @ Change of Pace says
Whew! I really wish I could have been there for the circuit training. Exactly what I need for all the Christmas junk I’ve eaten. Punishment 😉
Kelly from Bridges and Bites says
Look at you guys making working out so fun!!!!
And is that a Jillian Michael’s book I see under that coffee???
Kath says
Sam (Merit to the Carrot) says
Seriously, boot camp never looked so jolly 🙂
Danielle (Coffee Run) says
I love the family workout! My fav picture is the one where everyone is doing downward facing dog- you couldn’t pay my dad/brother to do such a “girly” move haha
Devon (RSRR) says
What a fun workout!! And I love your travel french press. I think I need to invest in one to keep on my desk at work 🙂
Aneesha says
I have to give you major props for being able to get Andrew up and doing YOGA!!! You all look like you are having a wonderful time. i hope he comes back with some great recipes! i’d love to try some 🙂
Kath says
Hey!! He’s been a great sport – did an hour podcast on Xmas! Wish you were here too 🙂
Carolyn says
That’s awesome that the whole family was in on it! 🙂
Carolyn says
That’s awesome that the whole family was in on it! 🙂
Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg says
lol– these pictures made me smile. I love a family that isn’t afraid to look goofy together for the sake of fitness 🙂
I have a small french press like that, and mine doesn’t work great either.
I see that your dad is reading This Boy’s Life– I love that book!! I hope he likes it!
lynn @ the actors diet says
wow – very impressed with your family!!!
Erin says
Wow, that looks intense but fun!
ari says
i wish my family would be willing to work out together like that!
ps your hubby has a rockin bod 😉
RhodeyGirl says
I didn’t want to ruin your precious 26 comments by commenting, but I couldn’t help it 😉
That looks like a GREAT way to earn your breakfast! You are so lucky to have so many relatives that are into fitness!
Lesley says
Love the family workouts! This is a great post 🙂
Karla says
That looks so fun! I wish my family was willing to do things like that with me!!
Amy says
The circuit looked awesome.Proof you can get a good workout without a lot of equipment.
Carol says
My family would laugh if I even broached the idea of a family boot camp workout. Seriously.
Great photos and food—though that lunch looked anything but “hearty” to me. 🙂 Regardless, it looks as though you’re having a great time.
Alison says
that is amazing! thanks for the instructions. i cannot imagine my family doing boot camp with me but that’s great that yours did. how fun!
Jenn (www. j3nn.net ) says
OMG, I LOVE your boot camp!
I set up homemade “obstacle” courses at home and it’s so much fun. Great pictures!!! Looks like a lot of fun.
I probably would have snacked on the GH bread while making a sandwich on GH bread after that workout LOL
Naomi(onefitfoodie) says
family workout ! LOVED this 🙂 what a fabulous idea.
That travel french press is awesome, i want one!
Stef says
The burpee pic and the one of you jumping over the soccer ball are both crazy cool! What a great idea, making boot camp style workouts an activity for everyone to do together…my family should do that on the next vacation!
Mae says
kath your family is too cool. I would have a mutiny on my hands if I tried to get mine to interval! 😉
Cynthia (It All Changes) says
I love that your family was all in on the boot camp. Mine would laugh at me if I ever suggested it. But I like the exercises and may have to do it once the weather is nicer.
Stephanie says
This is just incredible. Can you imagine if more families considered holidays to be workout times rather than just sitting around in front of the tv times? It’s so inspiring!
BODA weight loss
Paige (Running Around Normal) says
Wow you have the most fitness-minded family I’ve ever seen! So cool that everyone so willingly participated 🙂
amanda says
That is awesome your family worked out with you like that. 🙂 Lunch looked delicious too
jac says
i really wish my family would be so enthusiastic to be so healthy. I really want them too.. i can’t even get my bf to go to the park with me often!
Jenny says
That travel French press is adorable! I want one!
You should teach a boot camp! haha It looks so fun 🙂
amber says
omg that is SOOO cool you inspired me and my fam!
Allie (Live Laugh Eat) says
I love your active vacays. I can totally see you break out as Kath the drill sergeant 🙂
Ashley says
I love that your family is so active! That looks like so much fun.
Hillary @ Nutrition Nut on the Run says
Cutest post office I’ve ever seen!
fitbom says
hi, your blog is wonderful, your family and you are truely inspiring. i wanted to know the name of the company that made that blue stretchy thing that your husband is wearing in the “lunges with shoulder press” pic. i know someone who would LOVE it.
Anne P says
How fun!! I LOVE boot camp style workouts. I do them all the time by myself, hehe 🙂
Becca says
OMG!! Is that the neon green fleece we got in high school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kath says
Haha – YEP!!! Do you still wear yours!?
Becca says
I don’t even have it anymore….boohoo.
klm says
kanz looks so slim + trim!!
oh yoga next week — it’s going to be BRUTAL!!
Ellen says
If only it was warm enough here in Cleveland, OH to do an outdoor family workout! Looks so motivating!
kayte says
Hey this looks like fun.Does your mom blog.My sisters and I are closer to her age adn we would
love to hear from her too!
Danielle says
What a great idea to do a family exercise boot camp! I love it and may be stealing it for our next family outing.