What’s black and white and red all over?
Two silly runners bundled up in 26*
Around 11 I decided I was digested enough to go for a run (although in hindsight I probably should have waited another hour because I was quite full once we got started). We bundled up in moisture-wick gear topped with layers and set out. Within 5 minutes I was hot and sweaty inside!
Matt and I did 5 miles together and then I dropped him off to do 2 more! 7 is the new 5. I’m trying to keep my mileage on the edge to keep challenging myself and prepare for half marathon training (although I guess it has unofficially begun already since I’m ahead of the game). Hills + the cold kept our pace hovering closer to 9:00 than 8:00 but overall the run was great. My 2 extra miles were a piece of cake (although I was starting to feel it during mile 6 – hence the edge!) [<– too many "althoughs!"] I ended up running
7.35 milesMatt is brewing beer today and I pittered around doing some cleaning upstairs until about an hour went by and I still hadn’t gotten hungry. I think that breakfast was majorly over the top. I LOVE LOVE LOVE breakfast and I do think my portions have gotten a bit out of control lately. I finally felt a little nauseous around 2PM so I think that was the only kind of hunger I was going to feel with my longer run taking away my appetite, so I made lunch.
Since I had bread for breakfast, I didn’t want to have 2 more slices for my black-eyed pea patty burger, so I made a deconstructed burger!
Spinach with a black-eyed pea patty with pickle, mustard, ketchup and toasted flax
If you look carefully you can see the broken burger under there! It was quite good and was really burger-like!
On the side I had an Oikos with some granola and half a small banana with Crofter’s Superfruit spread. Yumberries!
This used to be a soap dish that I never used so it is now part of the kitchen collection!
Currently munching on a Biscoff and about to set out on a grocery store trip. Since we both work in foodservice right now and get lunches on the job, I just need a few things for dinner – our grocery list is so small!! We’re headed out of town next weekend so I’m trying to use up the fridge this week. I apologize in advance for pantry/leftover meals – but I promise my creativity will come back when this grueling commute rotation is over!
Where are we going?
NEW YORK CITY! One of our friends from college is getting married on Sunday night. We’re flying out Saturday and returning on Monday afternoon. Thank goodness school is out for MLK Day or I would have been in a bind with my internship!
NYC Readers: Please email me if you want to be on the email list for a meet-up. The plans include a visit to Brooklyn Brewery on Saturday afternoon and a run on Sunday morning! Katheats at Gmail.com 🙂 (I probably won’t send anything until mid-week, FYI)
Freya @ foodfitnessandfreya.wordpress.com says
Well done on your run!! I love hitting a big mileage target, going further than I ever have before etc etc, it’s sooo satisfying 🙂
You think your portions are out of control!?? I think of you as Portion Control Queen, I’m amazed at your control over them!! At keast what you have been eating looks SO delicious – you make me want to be more creative 🙂
Have a great rest of th day!
Elizabeth K says
The Brooklyn Brewery is really fun! It’s pretty small but you learn alot and they have a great assortment of brews. There is a cool bowling alley right next store (Brooklyn Bowl) that also has the brews on tap if you wanted to do something else in the area.
Cole says
Awesome run!
Mandy @ University Cooking says
The spoon in your yogurt is so cute!
Congrats on setting a personal record 🙂 7.35 miles is fantastic!
Foy Update - Cook. Garden. Write. Repeat. says
Is that an old shaving creme dish? Is that why it says “lather” on it? Or am I missing something.
ashley (sweet + natural) says
I went to Brooklyn Brewery last weekend!! It was my bf’s birthday and their Brooklyn Lager is his favorite beer. It’s fun but gets crowded so I would recommend going on the early side. Let me know if you want any other restaurant or things to do suggestions. I’ve lived here for several years now and love sharing my favorite things about the city!
Diana says
Jealous! I wanna go to NYC! Have fun! 🙂
Danielle (Coffee Run) says
Congrats on the run! You’re def. ahead of the game for half marathon training 🙂
Angela (The Lady Loves to Eat) says
sounds like you have an awesome run! congrats of the PR!!
Jenna says
Salad looks great topped with the burger!!
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
Congrats on setting a personal running record!
Have a great Sunday!
Ali says
I have a question unrelated to this post: do you have any fun healthy baking ideas that use frozen cranberries? I have a bunch in the freezer and think they would be great in some kind of bread or muffin, but don’t want to use a bucket of oil and sugar, and would prefer to use whole grains rather than the process white stuff. Any thoughts?
Kath says
Other than cranberry sauce, this is all I got:
Ali says
Thanks! Unfortunately I’m crock-pot-less. I found this: http://www.recipezaar.com/Healthy-Cranberry-Muffins-106685, which looks like it could be tinkered with to clean it up a bit – replacing the shortening (with 1/2 canola oil, 1/2 pureed pumpkin?) and reducing the sugar. Wish me luck!
Ali says
…and PS good luck with the run – I’m training for my third 1/2 marathon, and it really does get easier as you get closer to race time. Good post-run stretches help, too!
Kristen says
I love the reuse of the soap dish!
Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down) says
Congrats on a great run!! 😀
The “soap dish” is adorable! I love that you’re putting it to good use in the kitchen. 😀
Karla says
Ahh I will be in upstate NY sadly, not NYC! Have fun at the meet up!
Morgan @ Healthy Happy Place says
congrats on the new distance PR!
Ellen says
Love that you use the soap dish as a bowl!
Mara @ What's for Dinner? says
That Crofters Yumberry jam is by far my favorite one… I can’t wait until our whole foods opens and i can finally buy more! Great job with the run!
Rachel says
The deconstructed burger is such a good idea to get rid of some of the added calories/carbs of extra bread.
Katherine says
Great use for the soap dish!
Shannon (The Daily Balance) says
you guys are quite brave to head out in the cold – props to you both! yay for NYC – always LOVE going there! 😉
Jenn (www. j3nn.net ) says
Ooooh, we live about 1.5 hours from NYC in upstate NY, too bad we couldn’t meet you! Not sure what’s on our agenda yet — wonders never cease around here lol.
You’re so disciplined skipping the bread with lunch. I have about 6 or 7 servings of grains a day lol. 😳
Lisa @bakebikeblog says
haha great run! oooh and awesome eats – I love seeing your breakfast creations….keep them coming 🙂
Marisa (Loser for Life) says
Oooh, I must have missed your black-eyed pea burger! Love b-e peas!!
Heather @ The Joyful Kitchen says
i love the soap dish-plate/bowl thing! so cute 🙂 sounds like the run was great, can’t wait for the icy streets and sidewalks to melt here so i can get moving outside!
Jil says
hooray for a great run! the food looks awesome and love the ‘lather’ dish – cute!
Lauren @ eater not a runner says
Congrats on the long run!
You will have such a blast at Brooklyn Brewery, I love that place.
stephanie says
I’m having the same issue with breakfast! I wake up hungry so I need to start the day with a big breakfast which is totally fine, but I almost feel too full afterward. It’s gotten to the point where I’m hesitant to agree to meet friends for lunch at a restaurant because I’ve just had such a big meal. I think I may try scaling back gradually- but only a bit. Breakfast is still great, I just want to enjoy lunch as well 🙂
candice says
I love the idea of a deconstructed burger, but where’s the bun? 😛
Ella says
Darnit Kath! Of course you visit NYC (where I live) the weekend I’m away visiting family in Seattle 🙂 Will you have time to hit up any restaurants in addition to wedding plans? We New Yorkers LOVE to make food recommendations!
Kath says
Bummer!! Yes, I’d love some recommendations 🙂
Ella says
I have no idea where you’re staying/where the wedding is/how much time you’ll have, but here are some places you and/or Matt might enjoy (I love me some good beer too):
Hop Devil Grill – huuuuge beer selection, super fun East Village location (St Mark’s between 1st Ave and Ave A)
Brooklyn Beer Garden (Radegast Hall & Beer Garden) – N 3rd St & Berry
Supper – good brunch, good dinner, good atmosphere (2nd Ave b/t Ave A and Ave B)
Freeman’s – ditto (Freeman’s Alley b/t Chrystie and Bowery)
My main recommendation – stay DOWNTOWN and you will have a hard time going wrong! (East Village, West Village, Lower Eastside, SOHO are the most fun in my opinion)
Kath says
Thanks Ella!
Sarah says
Congrats on you’re mileage – you’ll ne 1/2 marathon ready in no time!
Alison says
great job on the PR! that’s a great distance. so fun you’re going to NYC. i love that city but whooo doesn’t? and breakfast is the best meal of the day so go big or go home hehe
Katharine says
Even though you’re going to a wedding, I hope you have time to do some sightseeing in NYC! What a fun little getaway – enjoy!
lynn (The Actors Diet) says
i was just in nyc! it’s cold there too!
Shannon, Tropical Eats says
ahhh nyc will be so much fun 🙂 Lovin that soap dish!
Sara says
Congrats on the PR and I Love your blog!
Have fun in nyc!!
Anne @ the doctor takes a wife says
Sunday must be the day for brewing!! My hubby did the same thing 🙂 Congrats on the 7 miler!!
amanda says
Congrats on that long cold run. I have been sticking to the threadmill lately after that blizzard hit in Nothern VA last month. Btw, I wanted to say I finally got some Oikos to try today. I am excited. 🙂
Carolyn says
Yay for a distance record!
Jenny says
Of course I didn’t see this post until tonight 🙁 so unfortunate I would have loved to have join you for a run in new york!! Hope you had a good time!
Jenny says
Oh ha and just realized that your trip wasn’t this weekend…whoops!
Heather @ Get Healthy With Heather says
I hate when I bundle up too much for a run and sweat majorly in my clothes! Nice job on your longest run so far. That’s wicked awesome 🙂
Heather (The Single Dish) says
Good job on the run! My longest run is 8 miles and also going to start training for a 1/2. Woo hoo.
ashleigh says
pickles in salad= my favorite thing ever!!! congrats on your longest run ever, that always makes me feel so accomplished!
Sharon @ What Is Sharon Doing Now?! says
Which half are you going to do? (Did I miss that somewhere?)
Kath says
Likely the Racefest half in Charlotte in April
BroccoliHut says
I am a huge fan of burger salads! My favorite combo features Amy’s bistro burgers with lots of ketchup:) Love the bowl you served it in too!
Cynthia (It All Changes) says
Now that’s hard-core to go running in the 26 degrees. That’s when I hit the treadmill.