Sure feels like a Monday here!! Matt (who fell asleep in the arm chair and didn’t come to bed until 3AM!) went in to work (busy holidaze) early this morning (well, late for him – about 8:30) and I groggily rolled down the stairs to satisfy my growling stomach. I was going to make a green smoothie since I have all this spinach from the salad-that-was-never-served but smoothies are coooooold and pumpkin oats are warrrrm!
So I give you: Pumpkin Chocolate Peppermint Oatmeal
- 1/3 cup oats
- 1 tbsp 9 grain cereal
- Pinch salt, cinnamon, vanilla
- 1/3 cup pumpkin, stirred in at end
- Cacao Bliss
- Cacao Nibs
- Crushed candy cane
- Maranatha AB
Rounded out the theme with Peppermint Creme and some Decaf Pumpkin Spice
P for Peppermint!!
I’m meeting Emily for a run in a little bit, but the rest of my "Monday" will be spent working on a freelance article for Breathe. It’s a long one so it’s going to take me a while!
Anne Marie@New Weigh of Life says
Happy birthday to your grandmom!
Kristen @ Change of Pace says
I love that peppermint creme coffee! Not too sure about the peppermint/pumpkin combo……..
Ameena says
Your breakfast looks really festive! Happy Birthday to your grandmom!
Food Makes Fun Fuel says
Happy birthday to your grandmother!
I love the theme of the oats. Lately for my peppermint fix I’ve been going for peppermint luna’s but I think I need to cave and buy a pack of candy canes from wf
amanda @ fake ginger says
So many holiday flavors in one bowl!
Megan (The Runner's Kitchen) says
How did the pumpkin and peppermint combo taste? It sure looks festive! I recently added crushed candy canes to chocolate chip cookies and it was delightful 🙂
Madeline @ Greens and Jeans says
It looks like you have all of the holiday flavors covered! That bowl looks so tasty!
Meagan says
Aww, Iove grandparents! I hope she has a great day!
Your picto-coffee-gram looks like a question mark. “Will you drink me?”
And I love the super holiday oatmeal, mmm I need to get some candy canes to crush ASAP!
christie @ honoring health says
happy birthday to your grandma!!
Good luck with the article!
VeggieGirl says
Happy birthday to your dear grandmother!
Jessica @ How Sweet It Is says
Happy birthday to your grandma! 🙂
Killian Fallon says
Just something constructive, your oats look epic but I think that I personally would have preferred them omitting the AB and Pumpkin. I tried pumpkin oatmeal and nearly chucked up. I think that it is the worst oatmeal addition I have tried to date but that’s just me, whatever floats your boat, go for it 🙂
Kath says
Funny because I think that pumpkin is perhaps the most perfect oatmeal addition. I do think it’s an acquired taste. I started with sweetening them a bit and then got used to pumpkin on its own.
Penny says
That is a very yummy looking oatmeal creation.
mikey says
how festive 🙂 looks delish hun, have a great run and happy bday gma!
Danielle (Coffee Run) says
Happy birthday to G-ma! You’re oats look delicious- I wish my coffee made shapes. How does your coffee get foamy?
Kath says
That’s the magic of the French press. It’s the bloom that gets poured in.
Nicole says
How was the pumpkin peppermint combination? I was actually thinking about mixing the two for a coffee combo but wasn’t sure how well the two would blend.
Sam (Merit to the Carrot) says
I love the P in your coffee. So appropriate 🙂
Foodie (Fab and Delicious Food) says
Happy Birthday to your grandmother!
Brittany says
That is one lovely bowl of oats. I had the same conundrum this morning…. I wanted to have a smoothie but it would have been so cold, so I just had sunflower oats instead!
Stephanie says
Just curious…what flavor/texture/purpose does the 1 tbsp of 9 grain cereal do for the bowl?
Kath says
It “fills in the gaps” per say. Like peppers falling in a jar around big stones.
skinnyrunner says
that breakfast looks so festive and delicious! perfect for the holidays!
Katie says
How were those flavors mixed?
I had pumpkin cranberry (protein) pancakes this morning!
Happy Snowed in Sunday,
Heather @ Health, Happiness, and Hope says
What a fun holiday breakfast!!! Candy Canes are always my favorite Christmas treat.
Happy Birthday to your Grandma! 🙂
K says
Happy birthday to your Grandmother!! Hope she has a wonderful day!
Kt says
Hi kath! Beautiful oatmeal! My mom used to grate candy canes on a cheese grater into a fine dust and sprinkle it on our ice cream- fairy dust 🙂
Deva (Voracious Vorilee) says
Yummy bowl of oats -look at all those mix-ins – delish
Sarah says
The P in your peppermint creme coffee looks like a Philadelphia Phillies P! 🙂
Erin says
You are always giving me the best ideas to spice up my morning oats — I’m usually an oats/banana/PB girl, plain and simple, but I’m ready for some change! 😀
ashleigh says
Wow- so many different flavors in your oats this AM! I am so plain jane!
happy birthday to your grandmother!
Molly says
so perfect for the holidays! love it!
Naomi(onefitfoodie) says
wow pumpkin and peppermint?! never would have thought! but it looks delicious! and too funny teh P shape came out in your coffee 🙂
Alison says
peppermint in your oatmeal you are just precious. glad you had fun last night!
Shannon (The Daily Balance) says
amazing looking bowl of oats! happy bday to grandma!!!
Stacey says
I know! It totally feels like Monday to me too! Maybe it’s because we are out of school for now and don’t know what to do with ourselves lol..or at least in my case, that’s probably it 😀
Karla says
What an interesting combination! Pumpkin and mint would have never crossed my mind!
emptynutjar says
Happy birthday to your grandmother. Beautiful festive idea :).
Tracey says
I would have never thought about putting pumpkin and peppermint together. How did it taste?
Jil says
Delicious lookin breakfast!!
Maria (realfitmama) says
Those oats look great! I had the same idea for my oats that are cooked and ready for work tomorrow. Great minds MUST think a like… 🙂
Katey says
Hi Kath. I have a question. What is a healthy serving of tofu for one meal? Sometimes at lunch I have about 2 – 2.5 oz added to a meal. Can I have 4-6 oz for a meal? That is approximately 1/4-1/3 of a 454 g block of tofu. Thanks Kath.
Kath says
There’s really no way for me to comment on your portion size without knowing a lot more about your lifestyle, activity level, appetite and other foods you’re eating. I often eat half a block at a time, so it’s probably fine.
Christy says
I know I can always find tasty oatmeal ideas on your blog!! 😉
Jenna says
wow! what a creative bowl of oats!
Simply Life says
oh what a pretty bowl of oats!
lynn (The Actors Diet) says
i had peppermint tea with breakfast today too. just b/c there was a candy cane on the box and not a mint leaf – that seasonal marketing gets me every time!
Kath says
Pumpkin + peppermint + chocolate was an amazing combo.
Angelalovesfood says
I love your oatmeal, it looks amazing. Oatmeal is so awesome, you can do lots to it.
Janna says
Um… Pumpkin Chocolate Peppermint Oatmeal?… PLEASE COME OVER AND MAKE ME OATMEAL!!!!
Katie says
I’ve thought about combining peppermint, chocolate and pumpkin together in a smoothie so many times, but wasn’t sure how the pumpkin would work with the mint. Good to know it worked; I’ll try it soon!
Jenn (www. ) says
Happy birthday to your grandma!
Pumpkin + peppermint? I dunno about that, Kath! LOL 😆
Chuck says
Hey Kath- great blog! I’ve been thinking about doing this for past weeks now since I have big box of candy canes left from christmas! But I couldn’t find anyone else who had tried and I didn’t want to waste a good bowl of oatmeal. How did you like it overall? Thanks, great blog!
Kath says
It was awesome!! Much better than I ever though.