Can’t start April any better than a steaming bowl of Trail Mix Oats
This was the Trader Joe’s Nuts For Raspberries blend with peanuts, almonds, chocolate and dried raspberries – my FAVORITE blend. I added a few raw pumpkin seeds for chew.Workout
No inverse workout schedule today! I was up at 5 to get my workout in and am headed out the door to take my exam in a few.
I was in a cereal mood this morning and having just opened a bag of Kashi H2H last night, I dug in for my pre-workout snack. Half a cup with hemp milk –
At the gym I climbed the Stairmaster for 30 minutes, did 10 more on the squirrellipitical and finished with pull-ups, chest and shoulders. GREAT workout today!
Trail mix it was. A half serving of mix along with double banana today too since we had two overripe ones that needed to go.
With coffee. As I’ve said before, I don’t drink it for the caffiene but because I love the rich aroma and flavor and having a big cup of something warm to sip with my oatmeal. I went through a phase this winter when I didn’t really like having coffee with breakfast and the husband was obsessed with it (sometimes having two cups). And now we’ve flip flopped! If he ever didn’t want a cup, I would never have made just a cup for me, but that’s exactly what I did this morning. I really miss it when I don’t have it! But I think the big secret is this new caramel/butterscotch-scented Spring Blend we have from Fresh Market. It is the best coffee I have ever had.
This breakfast was 440 kcal, 11 grams fiber and 17 grams protein.
STATS here I come!
bikergurl says
Oh yum! Banana oatmeal with nutty chocolatey trail mix is something I keep wanting to try but how do you keep from eating the whole bag of trail mix? That’s my biggest problem with nutritionally dense food – I could keep eating it until it’s gone 😳
Kath says
It IS hard to keep from eating the whole bag! But I’ve found if I pre-portion it into bags or tiny tupperwares then it’s harder to “sneak” a few at a time. I feel bad “stealing” goodies from a serving – my future self would be annoyed! So I come home and portion it out into servings and then I have them ready to eat when I am.
Suzanne says
Good Morning, Kath + Everyone:
It’s another dreary, icky day here on the East Coast. I hate this type of weather. I’ve had sinus headaches for the past 2 days and slumped on my workouts because of it. So I’m feeling pretty down. 🙁
But, reading your blog and everyone’s comments always makes me feel better and propels me forward. Thanks guys! 🙂
KATH: I drink coffee for the flavor/aroma as well – the caffeine doesn’t affect me at all.
Have you (or anyone else) tried freezing your ripe or overripe bananas? A coworker is trying to lose weight and she eats these as a dessert after dinner. You just pop ’em in a baggie and throw them in the freezer. When you’re ready to eat it, just thaw at room temp for about 5-10 minutes and dig in. My coworker swears it tastes like banana ice cream. I tried it, and it is definitely a nice treat (maybe not as good as ice cream!) – but a low calorie treat to satisfy a sweet craving at night. (esp. with night time binging!)
Just a little suggestion! Have a good day!
Katie says
Mmm..dried raspberries!
Oh, and fyi I’m really excited b/c my gym is changing it’s hours to open at 5am instead of 5:30am so now I can get a 1/2 hour workout in the morning not only in the summer (when it’s warm enough to run out) but year-round! YAY!!!
Starting tomorrow…wish me luck!
JENNA says
how do you make your coffee…i have the same blend and cant seem to get it right? i use 6 cup water and i’m not sure how much ground coffee to use?
thank you
happy april fool’s day!
NC (need to change my name) says
Good luck on Stats Kath!! With a great workout and a yummy brekkie under your belt, I’m sure you’ll do great!! and thanks for the trail mix tip– it’s one of the only foods I have a problem with “grazing” on every time I see the bag in the pantry!
Katie, you are so lucky! I wish my gym on campus opened earlier… it doesn’t open til 6:30 (which is actually an improvement. The Y opens at 5:30 but it’s downtown which is a pain, and I can’t justify paying for another membership!
Megan says
I’m ashamed to admit this to someone who is so pro bananas…
I keep seeing your kath classic oatmeal with banana mixed/cooked in and part of me really wants to try it, part of me wants nothing to do with it. I like bananas in their plain, natural, just a banana form. But I hate banana baked goods, like banana bread or banana nut muffins.
Does the oatmeal with the banana mixed in taste anything at all like those?? Should I give it a try??
rhodeygirl says
Kath! I am just going to HAVE to try your “trail mix oatmeal”… and I keep saying I will but every morning I wake up and just can NOT do it! I am so obsessed with my banana pb steel cut oatmeal I just can’t waste a breakfast on something different haha! Maybe I will try it as a dessert in the half serving portion one night… we will see!
Thanks for all the great ideas! and Good Luck on your exam!
arimcg says
My boyfriend doesn’t drink coffee, and it’s so annoying to make it just for one person. I do it anyway, but still.
Melissa says
Question about the pumpkin loaf – I made it last night and it is really good, but…….I have a discrepancy. I thinky you mentioned that the whole thing (if copied exactly) is about 700 grams and 1,325 calories. But then mentioned it was 24 calories per oz. I weighed out 4 oz last night figuring it’d be a good 100 calorie snack. But it was a BIG chunk, so I switched it to grams just to see, and it was about 100 grams – meaning 200 calories….. I’m confused! Then this morning I weighed out a 50 gram piece and it was really little, but that’s what’s 100 calories I believe….. Can anyone help with this math equation?? 🙂
Romina says
That soring blend sounds delicious!
Courtney says
Ugh, I’m terrible at math! Sorry I can’t help.
I love, love, love coffee. I often make it for one (or brew two pots for us both) and I always grind my own beans. (It’s loud – my neighbors probably hate me.) I love the aroma and the taste, but I’m not ashamed to admit that I NEED the caffeine. I think I could give up everything in the world except coffee. Every girl has her vice…
Kath, good luck on your exam. I’m a grad student as well so I know how endless the grind can feel.
hk says
good luck on your exam, knock ’em dead! Happy April 🙂
claire says
My husband doesn’t drink coffee, so I just use an individual paper filter each morning. It’s so easy and avoids the mess of a coffee pot.
Gretchen says
Kath, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog, just discovered it recently! I tried the whipped banana oatmeal and have been hooked ever since. It’s the perfect, filling breakfast! I, too, loove coffee in the mornings with my oatmeal. It’s never a thought of caffeine, just the warm, aromatic smell and taste.
One question, what do you put in your coffee? Milk or half and half?
Again, thank you for the blog, it’s fun and inspirational as well!
Ashley says
Kathy good luck on your exam! I’m sure you rocked it. I was wondering, when you say stairclimber do you mean the old school step machine or do you mean the giant machine where you’re climbing moving stairs? I’m trying to start adding an evening cardio other than running and thought i’d give it a whirl.
Becky A. says
I’m not sure which kcal amount for the bread is correct, but you are right that they don’t add up. If the whole thing is 700 g, and its 1325 kcal, then it is approx. 1.89 kcal/g. So with those measurments, 1 oz would be about 53 kcal. I guess Kath will have to clarify which one is correct!
Elina says
Melissa, I think there is a discrepancy between the calories per oz and per gram. 1 oz = 28 grams, so if the first statement is correct, then 1 gram should be 1.89 calories and thus 1 oz is 52.9 calories. I’m sure Kath will clear up how many calories the loaf is (unless you want to put it into a calorie calculator yourself by adding all the ingridients used). I can’t wait to make this loaf myself! It looks soooo good!
Kath, I bought the same trail mix because of you and love it, however I’m recently developed an obsession with almond butter (because of you too) and can’t seem to go without it in the morning 🙂
Elina says
Oh, I guess Becky and I answered at the same time. I’m glad we arrived at the same answer though 🙂
Petite Yogini says
Ok, what is the squirrellipitical? Is that just a cute “pet name” who have for the ellipitical trainer?
rhodeygirl says
thought yall might like to see this article, especially you Kath.. it’s your guy! (i am reading his book right now….. srsly amazing.)
“Real Food
A Q&A with Michael Pollan, author, amateur gardener and hero of the organic food movement”>1=45002
NC (need to change my name) says
Yogini I asked that too a week or so ago!! It’s apparently a type of elliptical that looks like a giant squirrel…?
NC (need to change my name) says
arimcg, I am not a huge coffee drinker, and when I make it, I am making it for one so it always felt like a bother, but I found a Bodum coffee press to be an awesome little investment!! It’s super easy to make a cup for one (the 3c model only makes 12oz) and YOU WILL NEVER GO BACK TO DRIP COFFEE AGAIN!!!!
LT says
you’re crazy 🙂 juuuust kidding…but yeah the oatmeal tastes a LOT like delicious banana bread so you may not like it.
You should try my fav. – blueberries (fresh or frozen) or some other fruit
i LOooOove Jamaican Blue Mtn. coffee!! And also Kona coffee!! They have it at Costco (much cheaper)
BC says
Jenna, I work at Starbucks and we use 2 tablespoons coffee for every 6 oz (3/4 cup) of water. This ratio should work for all coffee you brew (not just SBUX), and you can adjust it slightly according to your tastes. Also, if your coffee doesn’t taste right, sometimes the quality of water or the grind of the coffee can be to blame.
Melissa says
Thanks everyone! yeah, I did some further calculations too and came out to about 53.8 cal per oz, so I think I will go by that.
Laura says
Suzanne, if you ever make smoothies, frozen bananas are great in them. When I have a couple that need to be used before they go bad, I slice them up, lay them in a single layer on a sheet of wax paper on a paper plate and let them freeze a few hours. Take them off the plate (you may need to run a little warm water over the back of the plate to remove them) and toss them in a plastic baggie. Toss a handful into a post-workout smoothie! Yum! And a great way not to waste food. I do this with any fruits that look like they may be on their last legs that I know I’m not going to use right away. Strawberries, bananas, mango…
Anyhoo, I finally made the Veganomicon Black Bean Burgers last night…and they were NOT a hit. The flavor was fine, but they never really firmed up. Any hints? I followed the recipe exactly, except for halving it. Is this what I did wrong?
Kelly T says
Wow- Two cups of coffee is probably the least I drink in a day. i said that weird.
Gretchen says
Where did you buy your coffee press? I was looking at the Bodum site and was wondering if yours is the Chambord? Thanks!
Liz H. says
I usually buy a huge bunch of bananas, then peel them all, cut them in half and freeze them in a bag. I usually use frozen banana to make my oatmeal in the morning. The are great for smoothies or to dunk in warm chocolate!
Biz says
Kath, I LOVE this site. It just proves to my husband that there are more people like me out there! :O)
This morning I had 1 cup oatmeal, 2 tablespoon flax seeds, 4 ounces of chopped fuji apple and 1/8 cup sugar free maple syrup – yum! It took me about 40 minutes to eat!
Can’t wait to try the shrimp po’ boy!
Megan says
I am crazy! And I’m kind of the world’s pickiest eater but I’m really trying to learn to like new things and keep trying new things.
I have an adversion to fruit mixed with anything. I like it by itself. But lately I’ve been wondering if I’m missing out on not having fruit with cereal…or like PB (or AB) sandwiches with banana.
Nadia says
I’m always amazed when people say they don’t drink a lot of coffee…I’ve already had 2 cups and it’s 11:20. I wouldn’t be able to function without my cup of java in the morning. Tea though…blech. sorry 😛
Tsbrown says
Yogurt maker Stonyfield Farm has announced a voluntary recall of its 6 oz. cups of Organic Fat Free Blueberry Yogurt. The recall comes after some consumer complaints reporting plastic and glass fragments in cups of that yogurt, though no injuries have been reported. The affected cups have the following date codes stamped on them: Apr 13 08, Apr 14 08, Apr 15 08, April 25 08 and Apr 26 08.
Customers who have purchased the cups can return them to the store where they purchased them for a full refund. Consumers with questions should contact Stonyfield Farm Consumer Relations at 1-800-PRO-COWS or email [email protected].
Betsy says
i’m also a coffee drinker cause i like the taste. i stopped drinking caffine after college and only indulge every once in a while in a decaf. it’s like dessert when i drink it i love it so much!
Jtine says
Megan: I hate bananas in things as well – no muffins, no bread, no smoothies. If it’s not raw, I’m not eating it. EXCEPT in oatmeal. I use the “marshmallow” method b/c I microwave my oats, but the bananas are AMAZING. I tried it a few weeks ago and it’s my new fave. I leave the banana in gooey chunks so it’s not totally mixed in, and it’s soooo sweet and delicous. As a former banana-phobe, I definitely say try it!!
angelcubbie says
Megan- I hate baked banana breads/goods too but love banana in my oatmeal! You should try it. I cook half the banana in and stir in the other half chopped up when the oatmeal is done.
Wow, you guys are so exact with the pumpkin loaf, I hate to admit it but I just made the loaf, took the whole calorie amount, divided it by ten and then cut the loaf into ten portions…I figured the cal’s for each would be pretty close. Is this bad?
Melissa says
Hey Carrie! I am from Central Wisconsin (Stevens Point)….what about you?
KarenR says
I am the opposite with bananas. I love them in things (in fact it’s my favorite flavor/topping of almost everything) but would never just eat one all by itself. I think it’s a texture thing.
I also love coffee and make it just for myself every morning. (My husband thinks it’s a sign of weakness. Whatever.) I just started buying the new organic, free trade coffee at Target, of all places, and it is delicious and not too expensive (relatively speaking. It’s $7.50 a bag, but that’s pretty good for FTO.)
Also, don’t tell Kath, but I made her split pea soup with my Easter ham bone, and I loaded it with onions! Mwah ha ha ha! It was really good even without the cream.
Kath says
Suzanne ,
I do need to try frozen bananas – now that winter is almost over the thought of the word “frozen” doesn’t make me shudder 🙂
My bag says 2 tbsp per 6 oz. I usually put 3 tbsp per cup in mine.
Megan ,
You have to TRY it. At least once. I’m not a big fan of artificial banana flavor (yogurt, bars, etc.) but I LOVE them this way (well, obviously
Melissa ,
I can’t do math!! The loaf is 700 grams and about 1325 kcal. When asked for oz, I divided 700 grams by ~30 to get the appx. oz and gave you that for calories instead! It’s appx. 60 kcal per oz (rounded).
Gretchen ,
In my coffee I put about 2 oz of skim milk, which I microwave for 30 seconds to get nice and hot so it doesn’t cool the coffee), plus splenda.
Ashley ,
I call it the Stairmaster but that’s really the brand. It’s the stepmill – the “moving staircase.” I don’t think the pedal-pusher one is much of a workout.
Petite Yogini,
The squirrelliptical is a CYBEX Arc Trainer – just another kind of elliptical. I think people look funny on it and its shape reminds me of a squirrel with big legs (no idea why). I distingish between the squirrelliptical and the regular elliptical (“ET”) that I use more frequently by Precor. (I just updated the FAQ with this and links to photos)
rhodeygirl ,
Thanks for sharing the Michael Pollan article. I’m going to read it when I have a few extra minutes. I’m on Chapter 2 of IDOF and love it so far 🙂
Julie says
Kath – thanks for clarifying about the squirrelliptical. I use that at my gym sometimes and was wondering if that’s what you’re referring to. I haven’t tried either of the stair climbers. For some reason, I’m nervous about trying things for the first time. I’m gonna have to do that soon. Sounds great 🙂